MP Dental is a Patient Caring environment. It is our resolve to take care of You.
As a patient caring practice, we understand that your time is important and so always strive to run on time Our highly trained staff offer you appointment times with the practitioner and staff most suited for your treatment.
We always confirm appointments two days prior to appointment by SMS followed by phone confirmation on the previous day. This also avoids ‘failure to attend’ appointments which understandably may incur a fee as we do need at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation. This allows us to offer the appointment time to other patients waiting to be seen.
Infection Control
As a Fully Accredited Practice, our Infection Control Policy and Procedure follows the most up-to-date guidelines.
All instruments, that are not single use, are sterilized and tracked. All our staff are thoroughly trained in Infection Control Protocols and are involved in regular training programs to update their knowledge and practices
Involvement is the best policy. It is essential that you, the client, become involved in the decision-making process. This, not only, gives more insight as to the outcome you are striving for but also assists in reducing the anxiety you may feel.
A proactive approach to the care of your teeth can go a long way to minimizing the need for future invasive treatments.
Long lasting restorative treatments provide satisfaction for both dentist and client. This can only be achieved when the dentist and client are both committed to the care of Oral Health.
We understand the sensitivity of the details you share with us. Your records are treated with respect and kept highly confidential. Information is accessed on a ‘Need to Know’ basis.
All staff commit to and sign a strict confidentiality agreement prior to commencement of employment.
Information is only shared with specialists or other allied health professionals that are involved in your care. We are also obligated to disclose your records if required by the court of law.
Our Practice Manager is available to discuss any concerns you may have about privacy at any time.
We are an environmentally friendly practice. Most of our single use items are bio-degradable and we are striving to further eliminate the use of plastics and other non-environment-friendly products.
Bamboo Toothbrush and Pixters are available at our practice. The practice is also run using Solar Energy.
MP Dental is a collection site via REDcycle for the disposal of used toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes and packaging. We take pleasure in inviting you to join us in this project.
Dental treatment is not always straightforward, our aim at MP Dental is to offer you the best treatment available, that you are happy with and will comfortably fit into your budget.
Your practitioner will discuss all available options to enable you to come to a fully informed decision.
Payment for treatment is requested on the day, to assist in this we offer: HICAPS Health Fund Claiming, EFTPOS, bulk billing for Child Dental Benefits Schedule and DVA. Cash and Cheques are also welcome
Payment plans are available through MySmilePlan, Zip money and Afterpay. These options are interest free but will incur an initial establishment cost.